Patient Advocacy

Your Comments – Loud, Clear, and Acted Upon

There simply are not enough hours in the day. When the “good idea” part of your brain goes into overdrive, and the clock can’t keep up with it, then you’re left with the same 24 everyone else has – with more stuff to do, stuff that takes longer because it’s new. Such has been my

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patient gets chemo

Patients Looking Out for Each Other – When Patients Know Best

When oncologists consider recommendations for their patients’ cancer treatment, they will often consider the guidelines published by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. They expect to find the latest information in effective treatment, based on the best research, along with information they can share with their patients. But it turns out, that may not be what’s

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Getting Away With Murder? Public Records, New York and Across the US

This post is two things: 1.  A description of the problem which has to do with money, influence, and once again, it’s the little guy who will lose out. 2.  A call to action for those who live in New York State – where the most egregious of examples is taking place now. (And may

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True Confessions – My Take on Health Care Reform

Last week we watched (or more likely heard summaries during newscasts of) the Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States) hearings on American healthcare reform (AKA The ACA, Affordable Care Act.)  For those of us engaged in health-related issues every day, it was fascinating to watch the transition, and the voices of pundits,

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A Tutor Who Tooted the Flute…

In a conversation with a friend the other day, I was explaining the need for patient advocates (which she got immediately) – and the “tutor tongue-twister” came to mind.  Do you know it? A tutor who tooted the flute, Tried to tutor two tooters to toot, Said the two to the tutor, “It’s tougher to

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A Dose of Reality – Today’s Doctor Appointment

Please note that this column first appeared in the Syracuse Post Standard October 11, 2011 ……………………………….. In the “old” days, we could phone for a primary care doctor’s appointment in the morning, be seen right away, spend enough time with the doctor, leave with a treatment plan, and usually feel better within a day or

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Trisha Torrey
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