Doctors are Human, too

A report from the AP last week, and reported by the Washington Post, Fox News and others, describes a survey of more than 3,000 doctors in both the US and Canada about their reactions to their own mistakes. The survey was developed and issued by the Joint Commission (JCAHO), the body that accredits hospitals and

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Marcus Welby: Did He Set Us Up?

If you are of a certain age or older, then you remember Marcus Welby on TV. I spoke to a 20-something man yesterday and described Marcus Welby to him as everyone’s perfect doctor. His early 1970’s TV show was always popular, and we all KNEW he was the perfect doctor. Compounding his image was the

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CBS Reports on NFL Concussion Stance

If you were interested in the interview with Brent Boyd about the concussions he suffered while playing in the NFL, and his concern over reports of the cause of death of Andre Waters, you’ll be interested in my blog post last February: Football, Concussion and Suicide. The NFL says that on any given Sunday, eight

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Ovarian Cancer, Condescension and Intuition

Ovarian Cancer is one of those topics I’ve blogged about previously, because my mother-in-law was diagnosed with it six months ago. Her diagnosis came after many months of complaints, mostly gastro-intestinal in nature. Despite her ongoing complaints, she was never diagnosed until she was hospitalized. At the age of 86, she underwent surgery (wrong, wrong

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Medical Research: Is Objectivity Optional?

Julia Schopick, patient advocate and tell-it-like-it-is author, exposes a lack of objectivity in her three part series about research that gets published without disclosure. We patients are bombarded with news and information every day about health and medical research results. The points Julia makes can affect the care we receive, so it’s important for us

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Drive Thru Mastectomies and Politics

A few years ago I received an email forwarded from a friend asking me to sign a petition to notify my congress representatives about my feelings about a bill that requires insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour stay in the hospital for women who have had mastectomies. Even its moniker makes me shudder: Drive

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Drug Store Medi-Clinics: How Convenient!

Last evening’s NBC Nightly News focused one story on the medical clinics being set up in drug stores/pharmacies, even supermarkets, across the country. CVS, Target, Walgreens, Rite-Aid — they are all doing it. Included, too, are medical sites being set up by Steve Case’s Revolution program (see previous blogs.) Even AARP has written about them.

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Trisha Torrey
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