Stepping on Patient Empowerment’s Toes

Very interesting conversation yesterday with a gentleman named Anthony Cirillo….

Anthony and I are kindred spirits in a couple of different ways. We both hail from marketing backgrounds with probably 50+ years of experience between the two of us. And we’ve both identified a passion within healthcare — me with my Every Patient’s Advocate work, and Anthony with his Anthony’s Song work which takes him to senior centers and conferences across the country.

And we both believe in patient empowerment — big time — realizing that the more patients advocate for themselves, the better their outcomes, and therefore quality of life, will be.

How did we find each other? Anthony lives near Charlotte, North Carolina, although he’s originally from the Philadelphia area (hey Ant-knee!) I’m in Central New York State near the Finger Lakes, and the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. We are quite divided geographically!

So we found each other because our passions — our patient empowerment work — turned up in news alerts delivered to email…. and voila…. now we’re discussing ways to collaborate in our work.

So all this leads me to the title of today’s blog post…. certainly neither Anthony nor I are stepping on patient empowerment toes! So what do I mean?

If you find my blog of interest, you’ll be quite interested in Anthony’s TWO blogs. He’s expanding on the evidence found in Sicko through a new blog he’s just started — Sickoh. And he blogs about elder-related healthcare and health non-care in his other blog, called AnthonysSong, too.

Both his blogs seem focused on those abuses of the concept of patient empowerment. Of real interest to me is his post on the lawsuits filed by various healthcare entities against bloggers who speak out against them. And whereas I try to turn my blog entries into lessons and tips for patient empowerment, he turns his into advice for those healthcare administrators who have begun floundering now that patients have found a public venue for their opinions and horrible experiences — cyberspace.

Patients will benefit from it all — because cyberspace has begun to level the playing field in many ways. And because cyberspace provides a networking platform for people like Anthony and me to meet, and compare notes, and collaborate.

I hope you, too, use this marvelous tool to help you in your quest to be a sharp patient… and if you’re a crusader like Anthony or me, I hope you’ll contact us so we can collaborate with you, too!

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Trisha Torrey
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