From the desk of (11/12/07)….

Some miscellany from the week, not requiring blog posts on their own….

It’s actually been a quiet week. Many are prepping for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, no doubt.


I received one dozen requests for help this week, and three others wrote to me with stories that make my toenails curl. I still have not been able to reply to them all, but will before the weekend is over. In some cases I can help them find someone who can help them. In others, I can only be a shoulder to lean on. Very sad, very frustrating… and a major confirmation that this kind of work and help is needed. I wish I could clone myself to keep up.


I’ll be blogging this week about PHRs again (personal health records) — a new site I didn’t know about and one that has some very good information on it, but sucks its visitors into giving away way too much personal information. Watch for a post on Monday or Tuesday this week.


We’re closer to my big announcement, too — very exciting — hope to make it happen this week!

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Trisha Torrey
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