When last I wrote, I’d been catching up after a whirlwind Fall travel season. And here I find myself catching up after another crazy six weeks…
I don’t just bow out completely, even if it seems so. I’m blogging in other places, like About.com and the AdvoConnection blog, plus I have been promoting my new marketing book, and building three new websites that haven’t even made a debut yet!
So it occurred to me that that’s what I should be doing here at the Every Patient’s Advocate blog is keeping track of all the activities that help me help you. And so it shall be.
I think you’ll find I’ve all but stood on my head!
In these past few weeks, among other things:

My new book has come out: The Health Advocate’s Marketing Handbook. It’s written specifically for anyone who works in healthcare in a non-traditional career (anywhere from patients’ advocates to acupuncturists, from massage therapists, to counselors, case managers, navigators and more). I’ve learned that most of these folks are marvelous practitioners, but aren’t confident about marketing themselves.
If you work in healthcare, helping others improve their health in whatever way – this book can help you – I promise! Learn more about The Health Advocate’s Marketing Handbook.
I’ve written several new columns for the Syracuse Post Standard and Syracuse.com:
- An Advocate by Your Side takes a look at private patient advocacy and how hiring a patient advocate can be the smartest move an empowered patient will make.
- Be a Tattletale! tells you how to report problems with your healthcare that don’t add up to a lawsuit.
- Trust Your Gut to Make Medical Decisions talks about the role of intuition in your decision-making.
- And An Open Letter to Ann Marie Buerkle, My Newly Elected (Republican/Teaparty) Congressional Representative explains why “defund and repeal” Obamacare is the wrong way to go.
Plus I’ve written untold blog posts that have sparked everything from outrage – to big yawns. Among the most inciteful (notice how that word is spelled! – it was intentional):
- Would You Marry for Health Insurance?
- A Call to Physicians: It’s Time for You to Weed Out Those Rotten Apples
- The Legacy of Christina Taylor Green’s Passing
- Where the Tucson Shootings Meet Healthcare Reform
- The AMA and CPT Codes – Getting Picky and On My Case
- What Do You Want to Be Called? (patient? healthcare consumer? or?)
So you see? I haven’t left you, my blog reader, out in the cold completely! I just worked out of (blog)town for awhile. I’ll be back again next week….
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