Hospital Infection Prevention Week

The first line of defense against hospital infections is clean hands.

Seems simple, right? Yet millions of Americans are infected in hospitals every year. 100,000 Americans die from them.

Read that carefully — yes — 100,000 Americans go to the hospital because they are sick, or they need surgery. They die — NOT because they were sick or needed surgery — but because they got infected.

And the great majority would NOT have died if hospital employees — from doctors to nurses to the guy who brings in the meal trays — had simply washed and sanitized their hands.

I would write a LOOONG blog post about this — but instead, I’m going to let Consumers Union tell you about it. Then I’ll invite you to join their campaign to stop the spread of these infections.

If you’d like to see what I’ve written in the past about hospital acquired infections, you can do so here.

Save a life — yours, a loved one’s or a stranger’s. Learn about these infections. Do your part to keep them at bay.

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Trisha Torrey
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