From “contributing” to SYNDICATED!

It’s time to share my exciting news with my readers…. As many of you know, I started early in this patient’s advocate work as a contributing columnist to the Syracuse Post Standard. And I’ve published articles here and there in a few other publications, too.

I’m thrilled to announce a second daily newspaper will begin carrying my columns…. the Knoxville News Sentinel will publish Every Patient’s Advocate in its bimonthly health section called WELL. My first Knoxville column will appear later this month (2/2007) in its next issue.

And that makes me a syndicated columnist!

I’ll work toward making this just the beginning. I’d love nothing more than to have many newspapers carry my columns. They offer good advice and readers can use the cumulative effect of knowing how to advocate for themselves.

Wish me luck! (or better yet — ask your local Health or Lifestyle editors to get in touch with me!)

Trisha Torrey
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