MRSA on the Today Show

Excellent piece this morning on the Today Show about MRSA, the superbug infection that resists any of the drugs developed to treat it. I’ve written two of my columns, and blogged about it before about it, including my interview with Dr. Betsy McCaughey who founded RID: Reduce Hospital Infections. RID has developed 15 steps patients can take to keep themselves safe in hospitals. Find them at:

In particular, the Today Show piece was about a 15-day old baby who contracted it from her mother. They believe her mother was housing MRSA on a boil on her thigh, but they stated they didn’t know how her mother got it. Well — duh!! — her mother had just given birth two weeks previous. Don’t you think there’s a good chance she picked it up at the hospital?

That’s speculation, of course. I’m not a medical person — that’s just a guess. And yes, it’s possible to acquire MRSA in many places now, so perhaps she picked it up elsewhere.

The important point is that both baby and mom are doing well now.

Here is a link to the Today Show piece:

Trisha Torrey
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